Wall Breaker: Demolishing Your Way to Victory in Clash of Clans

Are you tired of being blocked by walls in Clash of Clans? Do you want to make a grand entrance into your enemy's base? Then Wall Breakers are the perfect troop for you! In this article, we will discuss the importance of Wall Breakers, how to use them effectively, and their advantages and disadvantages.


Wall Breakers are a staple in Clash of Clans. These destructive undead creatures are the fifth troop unlocked in the Barracks, and they are one of the most unique units in the game. As the name suggests, Wall Breakers favor going after walls, dealing massive damage to them. This article will explore everything there is to know about Wall Breakers, including their abilities, offensive and defensive strategies, and more.

Overview of Wall Breakers

Wall Breakers are a unique troop in Clash of Clans, with abilities unlike any other unit. They attack by locating the nearest protected (read: wall enclosed) building and destroying its protective walls, blowing itself up in the process. They deal splash damage around their target and deal 40x damage to walls. Wall Breakers prioritize walls above all other targets and will completely ignore any building or enemy troop while even a single segment of wall exists on the battlefield. If all wall segments are destroyed, Wall Breakers become like any other troop with no preferred target.

Wall Breaker Levels and Damage

Wall Breakers are available in 11 levels. The damage they can inflict increases with each level. Here is a breakdown of the damage done by each level:
  • Level 1 Wall Breakers have a damage of 6, deal 240 damage to walls, and have 20 hitpoints. There is no research cost or time required to unlock them.
  • At Level 2, Wall Breakers deal 10 damage, deal 400 damage to walls, and have 24 hitpoints. Researching them requires a cost of 100,000 Elixir and a research time of 6 hours, with a Laboratory Level of 2 required.
  • Level 3 Wall Breakers deal 15 damage, deal 600 damage to walls, and have 29 hitpoints. Researching them requires a cost of 250,000 Elixir and a research time of 12 hours, with a Laboratory Level of 4 required.
  • At Level 4, Wall Breakers deal 20 damage, deal 800 damage to walls, and have 35 hitpoints. Researching them requires a cost of 600,000 Elixir and a research time of 18 hours, with a Laboratory Level of 5 required.
  • Level 5 Wall Breakers deal 43 damage, deal 1,720 damage to walls, and have 53 hitpoints. Researching them requires a cost of 1,200,000 Elixir and a research time of 1 day, with a Laboratory Level of 6 required.
  • Level 6 Wall Breakers deal 55 damage, deal 2,200 damage to walls, and have 72 hitpoints. Researching them requires a cost of 2,500,000 Elixir and a research time of 2 days and 3 hours, with a Laboratory Level of 8 required.
  • At Level 7, Wall Breakers deal 66 damage, deal 2,640 damage to walls, and have 82 hitpoints. Researching them requires a cost of 4,200,000 Elixir and a research time of 3 days and 12 hours, with a Laboratory Level of 9 required.
  • Level 8 Wall Breakers deal 75 damage, deal 3,000 damage to walls, and have 92 hitpoints. Researching them requires a cost of 7,300,000 Elixir and a research time of 7 days, with a Laboratory Level of 10 required.
  • Level 9 Wall Breakers deal 86 damage, deal 3,440 damage to walls, and have 112 hitpoints. Researching them requires a cost of 10,000,000 Elixir and a research time of 11 days, with a Laboratory Level of 11 required.
  • Level 10 Wall Breakers deal 94 damage, deal 3,760 damage to walls, and have 130 hitpoints. Researching them requires a cost of 15,200,000 Elixir and a research time of 15 days, with a Laboratory Level of 12 required.
  • Finally, Level 11 Wall Breakers deal 102 damage, deal 4,080 damage to walls, and have 140 hitpoints. Researching them requires a cost of 16,500,000 Elixir and a research time of 16 days, with a Laboratory Level of 13 required.

Offensive Strategies

To get the most out of Wall Breakers, players must understand their unique abilities and use them strategically. The first thing to understand about them is that, despite their name, Wall Breakers don't go after walls, but instead go for the nearest building enclosed by walls. They will lock onto a building and then target any wall on route to that building. Wall Breakers destroy walls faster than any other unit and make gaps for other units such as Giants to enter the opponent's base. 

Wall Breakers can be extremely effective if deployed 2 at a time very quickly. However, doing so can render both easily vulnerable to splash damage which can easily destroy them both. Due to their low health, they should be used strategically and in smaller quantities. Protect them with other troops so they can reach their target. Most defenses will be able to destroy them in one shot. Because of this, Giants and Wall Breakers make an excellent team: The Giants distract and in return the Wall Breakers destroy the wall. Then the Giants can move in successfully. 

Supporting the Wall Breaker with a Rage Spell is a good idea due to the massive bonus to damage, provided if it is also properly protected and makes it to the target. The Wall Breakers' death damage is unaffected by the Rage Spell, however, so if they are killed while raged before they can hit the wall, it will not do any more damage than if they were not raged at all.

Wall Breakers can also be used to take down spiked or decoy walls. Spiked walls are walls that have extra spikes attached to them, causing extra damage to attacking troops. Decoy walls, on the other hand, are walls that do not actually protect any buildings, and instead are just there to confuse attackers. Wall Breakers can easily take down both of these types of walls, and should be used accordingly.

When facing a base with double layers of walls, players should try to use the Wall Breakers on the first layer to create a gap, and then use another set of Wall Breakers on the second layer to get inside the base. This strategy can be risky, as players will need to have a large number of Wall Breakers in order to break through both layers of walls.

Defensive Strategies

When it comes to defending against Wall Breakers, players have a few options. One effective strategy is to use Wall Breaker traps. These traps can be placed near walls, and when Wall Breakers target the walls, they will trigger the trap and take massive damage. This can be an effective way to take out a large number of Wall Breakers at once.

Other defensive tactics include using buildings to create a funnel for Wall Breakers, or using high-hitpoint structures to block Wall Breakers from reaching their target. Players should also try to keep splash damage defenses away from walls, as they can easily take out large numbers of Wall Breakers in one shot.
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Using Wall Breakers in Battle

Wall Breakers can be a valuable addition to your army in Clash of Clans, especially when you need to penetrate the walls protecting your opponent's base. However, they are relatively fragile troops, so it's essential to use them wisely.

Here are a few tips for using Wall Breakers effectively in battle:

1. Use them in conjunction with other troops: While Wall Breakers can be effective on their own, they are much more useful when used in combination with other troops. For example, you can use them to break down a wall and then send in a group of Giants to take out the defenses.
2. Protect them: Wall Breakers are vulnerable to defenses like Archer Towers and Wizard Towers, so it's essential to protect them with other troops. For example, you can send in a group of Giants to distract the defenses while your Wall Breakers break down the wall.
3. Avoid using them against high-level walls: As you can see from the stats above, Wall Breakers become much more effective against walls at higher levels. So, it's best to avoid using them against high-level walls unless you have upgraded your Wall Breakers to a high enough level.
4. Plan your attack: Before sending in your Wall Breakers, take a moment to plan your attack. Identify the weak points in your opponent's defenses and plan the best route to get to them. This will help ensure that your Wall Breakers are used effectively and that your attack is successful.


Wall Breakers are a unique and important troop in Clash of Clans. They are a vital component of any successful attack strategy, and players should take the time to understand their abilities and use them strategically. By understanding the different levels and stats of Wall Breakers and using them wisely in battle, you can break through your opponent's defenses and emerge victorious. When defending against Wall Breakers, players have a few options to choose from, including Wall Breaker traps and other defensive tactics.


A. How many Wall Breakers are needed to break through a wall?
It depends on the level of the Wall Breakers and the level of the wall. Generally, it takes 2-4 Wall Breakers to break through a single segment of wall.
B. What is the best way to protect Wall Breakers from splash damage?
Players should deploy Wall Breakers strategically, and use other troops to distract defenses while the Wall Breakers make their way to their target.
C. Can Wall Breakers be used effectively in Clan Castles?
Yes, Wall Breakers can be effective in Clan Castles, especially when used in combination with other troops.
D. Are Wall Breakers affected by spells such as Freeze or Poison?
No, Wall Breakers are not affected by spells.
E. How can I use Wall Breakers in combination with other troops for maximum effectiveness?
Players should use Wall Breakers in combination with tanks such as Giants, and protect them with other troops like Wizards or Archers. Using spells like Rage can also increase their effectiveness.

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