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Best TH12 Funny Base COC Link


TH 12 Funny Base Link

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You can copy this base directly by using this link but please understand that obstacles will prevent buildings to get placed – if you have some grass design or any obstacles in your base you might need to build parts manually from the above image.{codeBox}


Q. What is a Funny Base?

Ans. - A base designed in such a way that makes you smile or laugh.

                                                  Well, You can understand it from the name itself. Funny means something unusual that makes you smile or laugh & Base where all defences, buildings and walls (items) are placed. 

Q. What is the use of a Funny Base?

Ans. - Funny Base can be used to show off your base to your clanmates and friends.It can be used to drop your trophies also.

Q. How to use a Funny Base?

Ans. - You should use a Funny Base only if you don't care about your resources or trophies. Like if you've multiple accounts and one of your account is fully maxed but can't upgrade Town Hall (not having much time) then you can use a Funny Base. Or if you want to drop your trophies then also you can use a Funny Base.

Q. How do I make a Funny Base?

Ans. - You can Either create a Funny Base by placing all defences, buildings and walls from your imagination. Or just copy a Funny Base link from .

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